Sunday 3 June 2018

Financial Journey

Journey To Financial Freedom

Part 1. Financial Independence Decision

The reason why a lot of people do not experience financial freedom is not the absence of information on financial freedom or what practical steps and actions to take, but often the inertia and lack of will to embark on the journey to financial freedom.

This inertia is almost innate in us; we like orderliness, order that we have imbibed over time, at home and even in our schools where we assume that excellent grades equate with being financially independent…good job, better pay, job satisfaction, projected career path.

However, in the real world, the financial independent guys are not the faculties in our business schools nor the professors in our business ideation laboratories but rather those who early in life understood what it takes to be financially independent, and learning the trade right from infancy, building required resilience, creating and investing in assets rather than creating liabilities and this is the summary of the rich dad and the poor dad.

You may ask, when is it considered early to start; relative, not exactly. There is this local parlance that:

Whenever you embark on a journey to financial freedom is your morning...

Who can argue against time?

Wake up from slumber and learn the rudiments of savings, invest in assets.
Why create more liabilities, spend your income on convenience, car, clothing, and every luxury we all crave to have.

Not a bad idea at all, at least, you do a great work, create value and enjoy the benefits. Good riddance!

When will this anesthetic drug wane from our ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO), and the wakefulness activated? Reality check! Maybe you can do the same today, take a stock and see if you stopped working today, you wouldn't be in red in the next 4 months.

In the coming weeks, months and years, we will relish this journey together. Decide today to start doing something differently about your finance, and take real action. No procrastination!

Take your first step today!

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